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Get sharp: 3 top tips to improve brain function and focus

Get sharp: 3 top tips to improve brain function and focus

Recent studies suggest that we have to make around 20,000 decisions every day. Choosing what to watch on Netflix is hard enough, dealing with another 19,999 decisions is enough to leave you hiding underneath your duvet! No wonder most of us have decision fatigue and struggle to focus! But learn to use your brain in the right way and you'll improve concentration levels in no time at all...

We are bombarded with information all day long now from our mobiles and computers. As a result, the survival part of our brain is 'on' all day long to deal with these stimuli and the other areas of your brain often don't have time to do their own processing. In turn, these parts of the brain may keep you awake at night while you are finally trying to get some rest. This may mean poor sleep, and we all know how crucial sleep is to health and wellbeing.

3 tips to improve brain function

1. Take a break

Several scientific studies, including two American studies in collaboration with psychologists in 2010, show that taking short breaks helps your brain to process information. Your brain needs you to relax properly, according to the researchers, and taking time out actually ensures better productivity in the long run. Making sure that you give all parts of your brain the opportunity and space to do their job means that you are less tired at the end of the day and yet have accomplished more. It's a win-win!

So make sure to schedule some breaks into your day. And no, definitely not behind your computer! Get moving and go outside in the fresh air for a walk. Or go analogue and read a book or magazine to let your mind wander. Studies say that just six minutes of reading can help you relax, so even a short break can be beneficial.

2. Change it up!

Take part in activities that appeal to different parts of your brain and require different types of effort. From crosswords to sudoku or learning a new language. Make sure you alternate different activities, this helps the other parts of your brain do their work as well.

3. Keep it simple

A lot of the stress we experience is self-inflicted. We promise you the world won't end if you turn your mobile off earlier in the evening and check your emails less frequently! Simplifying your life in this way will help you switch off. Using a paper diary can also help as you won't have to check your phone as much.

You'll soon realise that improving focus can often be a matter of making the right choices. Good luck!