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Happy people do these five things every day

Happy people do these five things every day

It's time to turn that frown upside down! We all strive to feel happy but happiness isn’t something that just happens to you. The good news is that it's (mostly) in our control. We have the power to make tweaks to our behaviour, our lifestyle and our relationships that can help put us on track for a happier life. How things go first thing in the morning can set the tone for the rest of the day, so let's get today off to the best start possible...

Woke up feeling moody this morning? We've got some simple tricks to share that may be able to jolt you out of that grump. Do remember though for tomorrow if you can, to wake up slightly earlier than you need to. This way you'll have time to do something that you enjoy first - that could be reading an inspiring book, listening to a podcast or doing some calming breathing exercises. Here are our top five tips on how to boost your happiness levels...

1. Get physical

Physical activity releases all kinds of hormones that make you feel better, such as endorphins, serotonin and dopamine. Even if you are having an off day taking a brisk walk outside or a nice bike ride through the park will make you feel better almost immediately.

2. Connect with others

Hugging people releases the hormone oxytocin, a hormone that gives you that happy vibe. So have a cuddle in bed before breakfast if you can - it will set you up for a good day. Live alone? Stroking a pet also works to stimulate oxytocin and boost your mood.

3. Give yourself space

People who are introverted or highly sensitive will find it draining to socialise a lot with others, and they often recharge better when they spend time alone. If this is you then don't be afraid to take time out when you need to. Remember that if you are happier, the people around you will be too.

4. Breakfast well

First of all, don't check the news as soon as you wake up (or when you go to bed for that matter) as it may just stress you out. When you make your breakfast - and remember that doesn't have to be as soon as you wake up it, can be later in the day - choose foods that contain the amino acid tryptophan. Tryptophan ensures that the feel-good substance serotonin can be better produced in the brain. Oatmeal, bananas, prunes and dark (minimum 70% cocoa) chocolate are all good sources.

5. Laugh often

When you laugh, your brain releases endorphins, the chemical that makes you feel good. Is there anything you can easily do that makes you laugh? How about dancing around to your favourite song or watching a few cat videos? If all else fails just smile with your mouth. This in turn will send a message to your brain that you are happy, which will boost your mood.

There you go - our top five tips which will hopefully help turn your morning from fraught to fabulous. Go for it!